Giving My Clients A Vigorous Defense

Violation of Probation

South Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney Defending Sex Crimes In Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Ocean And Salem Counties

A violation of probation can be a scary prospect. While you may have avoided incarceration when sentenced to a term of probation, a violation of probation can subject you to the highest term of incarceration for the underlying charge. For example, if you plead guilty to a third-degree crime with a sentencing range of three to five years, that is the sentencing range the violation of probation uses. What’s more, a violation of the drug court carries with it a strict alternative sentence.

A violation of probation or drug court does not have to mean a sentence of incarceration. A violation can be resolved with the right representation and strategy for continued supervision.

If you or a loved one is charged with violating probation or drug court, call 609-621-0015 now for a Free Consultation.